Title Track - Making your life easier every step of the way
Title Track is a revolutionary system that provides insight on the client's Title progress, allows to follow all client's Files changes, see all Abstracts, Searches, Readings, Recordings and so much more. We make all this information available 24/7 in real time. Now there's no need for lengthy emails with requests and inquiries.
All closed Files are fully scanned. Our scans include the closing package and the instruments that were used at closing. You can also track your file as it goes through its final stages of recording. Once recorded you will have the ability to see the recorded documents and proofs of those recordings. We save all the documents electronically and they are available to our clients anytime.
So next time when you will be looking for a Title company, look no further. We are here for you and thousands of people like you. Give us a call or send us an email and we will schedule an online demo to show all the capabilities of Title Track.
If you haven't registered for Title Track, you can go ahead and do so by contacting your representative or you can send us an email request to [email protected] and someone will get back to you shortly.